Useful Resources

​​​The Burra Charter:The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance, 2013 

Australia ICOMOS, Practice Note: Interpretation, Version 1, November 2013 

Australia ICOMOS, Practice Note: Burra Charter Article 22 - New work, Version 1: November 2013 

Heritage Council of Victoria, Access for all to Heritage Places, 2018  

Heritage Tasmania & the Tasmanian Heritage Council, Heritage Solutions 

Heritage Tasmania & the Tasmanian Heritage Council, Residential Solutions for Historic Homes 

Martin, E, Improving Access to Heritage Buildings. A Practical Guide to Meeting the Needs of People With Disabilities, Australian Council of National Trusts and the Australian Heritage Commission, 1999 

Tasmanian Heritage Council, Assessing Historic Heritage Significance for Application with the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995 

Tasmanian Heritage Council, Managing Historical Archaeological Significance in the Works Application Process 

Tasmanian Heritage Council, Procedure for Recording a Heritage Place 

Tasmanian Heritage Council, Guidelines for Historical Archaeological Research Projects on Registered Places, 2009  

Tasmanian Heritage Council, A Guide to Preserving Tasmania's War Heritage, 2015

Hobart City Council, New Fences for Old Houses: A guide to designing a traditional fence for your home (not available online) 

New South Wales Heritage Office, Design in Context: Guidelines for Infill Development in the Historic Environment​

Heritage Council of New South Wales, New uses for heritage places: guidelines for the adaptation of historic buildings and sites​

Adelaide City Council & Department for Environment and Heritage, Government of South Australia, Maintenance and Repiar of Older Buildings in South Australia, Technical Note 3.2. See document below Technical Guides heading

CABE & English Heritage, Guidance on Tall Buildings 

Historic England, The Setting of Heritage Assets


Home Hill Library (entry #1310)​


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