What to Lodge With Your Application

Having all the required information at the time of lodging your application will reduce the potential for delays in assessing your application. If insufficient detail is provided, additional information will be requested and the "clock" for assessing your application will be "stopped" until this information is received.

Information which may be required by the Heritage Council includes:

For extensions, alterations, additions and other structural changes, include drawings and/or plans which show the existing condition of the place against plans detailing the proposed works. Any plans submitted should clearly show existing external and interior features such as fireplaces, panelling, staircases, and decorative features, as relevant. If a conservation management plan exists for the place, include a copy of that plan.

For major developments, a conservation management plan or heritage impact statement may be required. More information is available here.

If proposing works that impact on the heritage value of a place, you must demonstrate that you have considered other options and why those options are not possible.

If archaeological values exist and the development involves ground disturbance, a Statement of Archaeological Potential and Archaeological Method Statement may be required.

For landscape works, include an arboriculturalist report where the full or partial removal of trees, hedgerows or other historic plantings are proposed and a plan detailing the location and species of planting, including replacement planting, and the type of ground surface treatment.

For subdivisions, include a site plan showing existing lot arrangements and a subdivision plan showing existing heritage buildings and the boundary of the heritage registration.

If proposing to alter the existing condition of the place, such as repainting or replastering, include notes on the existing material finishes and full details of the materials and finishes being proposed.

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