Amendments to the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995

​Amendments to the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995 take effect from 1 January 2025. 

The amendments will ensure greater protection of state listed historic built heritage places and make it easier for heritage property owners and the development sector to engage with heritage regulations. ​

To find out more about the changes, Heritage Tasmania has developed a Fact Sheet and Fre​quently​ Asked Questions:

 Fact Sheet (PDF 341Kb)

 Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 190Kb)


Consultation on the amendments was undertaken in mid-2023 in the form of targeted consultation with stakeholders including the Local Government Association and the Tasmanian Planning Commission, along with a media release calling for comment on the proposed changes. Feedback gathered through this process was considered in refining the draft bill before it was introduced into Parliament.

See below for a summary of the submissions and all individual submissions received.

 Summary of Submissions and Responses BY ISSUE (PDF 170Kb)​

 Archdiocese of Hobart (PDF 164Kb)

 Glenorchy City Council  (PDF 224Kb)

 Hobart City Council  (PDF 90Kb)

 Hydro Tasmania (PDF 479Kb)

 Local Government Association of Tasmania (PDF 247Kb)

 Mr Hugh Magnus (PDF 28Kb)

 National Trust Tasmania (PDF 227Kb)

 Parks & Wildlife Service (PDF 581Kb)

 Planning Institute Tasmania (PDF 131Kb)

 Southern Midlands Council  (PDF 361Kb)

 State Planning Office (PDF 146Kb)

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