Evolving the Tasmanian Heritage Register

​​The Tasmanian Heritage Register is an important statutory tool and repository of the history and stories of the people, places and events that have shaped Tasmania from European occupation to the current day. It recognises and celebrates those places that are valued by our community and visitors to our island State, and provides a mechanism to ensure their heritage values are protected.

The Heritage Council recognizes that the Register needs to constantly evolve in response to Tasmania’s dynamic community. We also recognise that there are many more important places that deserve entry and that the Register’s full potential is yet to be realised.

Our Plan to Evolve the Tasmanian Heritage Register documents the pathways to guide and prioritise our collective efforts, and identify actions and outcomes to help us develop the Register as an accurate, reliable and current record of Tasmania's places of historic heritage significance.

  A Plan to Evolve the Tasmanian Heritage Register  (2Mb)



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