Notice of Provisional Entry of Place in the Tasmanian Heritage Register

In accordance with section 18(3)(b) of the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995​, the Tasmanian Heritage Council gives notice that it has entered the places listed below in the Tasmanian Heritage Register on a provisional basis:


THR 12074, Big Penguin, Main Road, Penguin

 THR 12037, Sayes Court, 1546 Midland Highway and Lot 1, Bagdad (updating the information held for entry THR 5379)

THR 12111, The Hedberg, 29 Campbell Street Hobart (updating the information held for entries THR 2252, THR 7098 and THR 10733)

 THR 12110, Theatre Royal, 29 Campbell Street, Hobart (updating information held for entry THR 2191)

 THR12110 Provisional entry Datasheet & CPR  (PDF 4Mb)

THR 12103, Parliament Square building complex, 34 Davey Street, Hobart (updating information held for entries THR 2287, THR 7149, THR 2286 and THR 2544)

 THR12103 Provisional entry Datasheet and CPR  (PDF 3Mb)​

Members of the public are hereby invited under section 20 of the Act to provide a written submission relating to that intention. Further, under section 19 of the Act, any person has a right to object to the entry(s).

As per section 19(3) of the Act, an objection may be made only on the basis that the place does not satisfy any of the registration criteria on which the entry is intended to be based. The registration criteria can be found in the datasheet for the place.

A submission, or objection, must be made in writing and lodged with the Tasmanian Heritage Council within 60 days of the date of this notice.

An objection will be sufficiently lodged if it is sent to the Chair, Tasmanian Heritage Council, by post to: GPO Box 618, Hobart 7001, or by email to:

Ms Brett Torossi
Tasmanian Heritage Council
15 January 2025
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