Notice of Permanent Entry of a Place or Places in the Tasmanian Heritage Register


In accordance with section 21(1)(a) and section 26 (b) of the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995​, the Tasmanian Heritage Council gives notice that it has entered the places* listed below in the Tasmanian Heritage Register on a permanent basis:


THR 10995, Hobart Railway Goods Shed​, 10 Evans Street, Hobart

 Hobart Railway Goods Shed (PDF 4Mb)

THR 12078, Ulverstone State School, 2 Leven Street, Ulverstone

 Ulverstone State School (PDF 2Mb)

THR 12089, Grant ​Staples, 194-196 Cimitiere Street, Launceston

 Grant Staples (PDF 2Mb)

​​​THR 12092, Penitentiary Chapel and Criminal Courts Complex, 98A Campbell Street, Hobart

 Penitentiary Chapel and Criminal Courts Complex (PDF 2Mb)

THR 12093, J&T Gunn Building, 50 & 50B Brisbane Street and 61 George Street, Launceston

 J&T Gunn Building (PDF 2Mb)

THR 12097, THolyman House, 52-60 Brisbane Street, Launceston

 Holyman House (PDF 2Mb)

THR 12100, Runnymede, 61 Bay Road, New Town

 Runnymede (PDF 4Mb)​

Any person who lodged an objection or submission, may appeal to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal against a decision of the Heritage Council under section 27 of the Act. An appeal must be made in writing and lodged with the ​Tribunal (GPO Box 1311​ Hobart 7001) within 30 days after this notice.

Ms Brett Torossi

Tasmanian Heritage Council
24 April​ 2024

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