Notice of Permanent Entry of a Place in the Tasmanian Heritage Register

In accordance with section 21(1)(a) and section 26 (b) of the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995​, the Tasmanian Heritage Council gives notice that it has entered the place listed below in the Tasmanian Heritage Register on a permanent basis:


THR 12070, Brownfield, 30 Brownfield Lane, Riverside

 THR 12070 Brownfield Datasheet and CPR (PDF 2Mb)​

Any person who lodged an objection or submission, may appeal to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal against a decision of the Heritage Council under section 27 of the Act. An appeal must be made in writing and lodged with the Tribunal (GPO Box 1311, Hobart 7001) within 30 days after this notice.

Ms Brett Torossi
Tasmanian Heritage Council
26 June 2024

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