Heritage Listing Explained

​Tasmania's historic heritage places are recorded in many different heritage lists: world, national, commonwealth, state and local. Places can be entered in more than one list. The places entered on some lists are protected by legislation. Other lists offer no protection but are maintained as useful sources of information. And there are some places that may not be included on any lists, but it can still be important to recognise and protect their heritage values.

Statutory Lists

In Tasmania the main two lists are the Tasmanian Heritage Register and the Historic Heritage Codes in local planning schemes. The places entered on these lists are protected by legislation.

  • The Tasmanian Heritage Register identifies Tasmanian places of historic heritage significance to Tasmania. It is managed by the Tasmanian Heritage Council with assistance from Heritage Tasmania in the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania,  through the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995.
  • Local Historic Heritage Codes are part of local government planning schemes and are used to identify places of local significance within a local municipality. The codes are managed by the relevant local council through the planning scheme and the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.

These two lists form part of a tiered system of managing historic heritage. The other lists are:

  • The World Heritage List, which  includes places of outstanding value to the world and is managed by UNESCO through the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act); 
  • The National Heritage List, which identifies places of value to Australia and is managed by the Australian Heritage Council and the Australian Department of Environment through the EPBC Act; and the
  • The Commonwealth Heritage List, which identifies places owned by the Australian Government of value to Australia and is also managed by the Australian Heritage Council and the Department of Environment through the EPBC Act.

For more information on how heritage listing in Australia is managed, click on the following guide from the Department of Environment:

  Heritage Listing in Australia   (2Mb)


Resource Lists

The Register of the National Estate and National Trust classification lists are no longer active, but continue to be a useful resource to find out about the history of a place. Visit the online Register of the National Estate  to search for information on a place. Email the National Trust for information on their list.
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