Built Heritage Grants Scheme

​​Grants Sc​heme 2023-26

Round 3 of the Grants Scheme is expected to be announced in the 2025-26 financial year.

Round 2 Outcomes

Successful applications to Round 2 (2024-25) of the Grants Scheme were announced in December 2024.

 Successful Round 2 Recipients (PDF 157Kb)

Heritage grants secured for Tasmanian heritage properties​

​Round 1 Outcomes

Succesful applications to the inaugural round (2023-24) of the Grants Scheme were announced earlier in 2024.


 Conservation Program (Round 1) Recipients (PDF 64Kb)​


Heritage Tasm​ania is administering the Grants Scheme.

Should you have any questions regarding the Grants Scheme, or need assistance with your online application form, please contact the Program Administrator as follows:

Email: grants@heritage.tas.gov.au​

Phone: (03) 6165 3717

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