Built Heritage Grants Scheme
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Grants Scheme 2023-26
Round 3 of the Grants Scheme is expected to be announced in the 2025-26 financial year.
Round 2 Outcomes
Successful applications to Round 2 (2024-25) of the Grants Scheme were announced in December 2024.
Successful Round 2 Recipients (PDF 157Kb)
Heritage grants secured for Tasmanian heritage properties
Round 1 Outcomes
Succesful applications to the inaugural round (2023-24) of the Grants Scheme were announced earlier in 2024.
Conservation Program (Round 1) Recipients (PDF 64Kb)
Heritage Tasmania is administering the Grants Scheme.
Should you have any questions regarding the Grants Scheme, or need assistance with your online application form, please contact the Program Administrator as follows:
Email: grants@heritage.tas.gov.au
Phone: (03) 6165 3717